A friend of mine claims that he recieved an activated iPhone
out of Buffalo and that he was able to put in his Rogers SIM
and make calls. He didn’t get any other functions such
as wifi going. Someone offered him $1,500 and the phone was
DVD John has managed to hack the activation. The iPhone ships
completely inoperable, until iTunes is used to send a token
back to Apple. Apple then returns the instruction that enables
all of the iPhone’s functions. The hack allows users to
pretend to be the apple server and instructs the phone to
activate locally.
Combing thouggh the on line sources it seems to be successful
– even if Meredith couldn’t answer the call!
It took about an hour or so for
to disassemble one so we could see what’s inside. The
most promising thing for us is that there is a SIM card buried
inside… Which means that we may be able to use the phone
on Rogers’ GSM network here in Canada… (you may
have heard the Apple/AT&T went with the slower
technology. This doesn’t affect us here.)
If nothing else the WiFi capability will allow us to use the
internet features by jumping onto a local network. We await
the hackers reports on modifying the configuration…
We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our iPhone’s in
Canada. Of course the issues at hand are what portions will
actually work up here… Willl we have to get an American
cell account?
I would expect that we can use the WiFi feature to access the
phone’s data feature. The other problem is whether
Rogers will realize that they can’t dictate terms of use
to Apple Inc. Since Rogers is the only GSM acrrier in Canada
this poses a problem…